Somehow my music library has become screwed up, and almost all of my 28,000-odd tracks aren't where they should be (according to iTunes). I can create a playlist of all the tracks, and I can export that playlist to a text file. But I don't see how to download those tracks to a library.
There are a few different ways to accomplish this task; one approach allows you to play an audio file in an iTunes playlist without copying it to the iTunes music library, and that works in iTunes for both Mac and Windows, and two other approaches will allow you to play audio files and mp3s on a Mac without using iTunes at all, instead utilizing either Quick Time or Quick Look, thereby never adding those audio files into iTunes or any playlist.
Icloud Music Library Mac 10.13.4
The iTunes shared library feature uses a closed architecture, making it impossible for Pure Music to locate the actual music files so they can be loaded and played using Pure Music's audio engine (the reason for using Pure Music). Pure Music has to be able to find the files to play them (as might be expected). :)
If you wish to use tracks from a shared library, the volume containing the music must be mounted (or "mapped" as called in Windows) locally, and the tracks / folders continaing music added to your iTunes library (drag them to your iTunes Music library in the iTunes application window). 2ff7e9595c